In Memory of





Condolence From: Joanne Ricard Lamirande
Condolence: Maurice and Angela and family so sorry for your loss. May your happy memories fill your heart and help ease the pain of the loss of your loved one. She will be an angel watching over you and your family. Joanne and Bob
Sunday December 17, 2017
Condolence From: LeeAndra & Will Miller
Condolence: Valerie, Joanne and Maurice; am so sorry for your loss. Your Mom’s beautiful smile and spirit has touched my life. I know she touched many more lives and will be truly missed. We are thinking of you and your families today.
Saturday December 16, 2017
Condolence From: Pauline and Greg Williams
Condolence: Dear Maurice, Angela and all the Habraken family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May the love and support of friends and family comfort you at this time. John and Jackie are together again and John has his dancing partner at long last - he waited long enough! Rejoice in their happiness and beautiful life together.
Wednesday December 13, 2017
Condolence From: George
Condolence: Maurice, Angela, Alec and the entire Habraken family: May life's memories of times and moments shared stay with you in this period of remembrance and celebration of your mother's/grandmother's life. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Wednesday December 13, 2017
Condolence From: Madeleine Benner
Condolence: Our prayers are with you all during this difficult time. The Blais family will not be there physically but please know we are sending prayers and healing thoughts for peace and comfort at this sad time. Madeleine Benner and Family
Monday December 11, 2017
Condolence From: Kim Myre
Condolence: Maurice, Joanne and Valerie and families, I'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother! She was a super lady with a great laugh and I'm glad I grew up knowing her! May your memories of her last forever.
Monday December 11, 2017
Condolence From: David and Elizabeth Clemis
Condolence: We wish to express our condolences. We were sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. We are képing you in our hearts and prayers. Love, Liz and Dave Clemis
Monday December 11, 2017
Condolence From: Trish
Condolence: Dear Angela, Maurice, Jack and Family So sorry for your loss. Sounds like she had a wonderful life surrounded by music, family and love. I know she will be missed.
Monday December 11, 2017
Condolence From: Rémi et Agathe Lair
Condolence: C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous apprenons le décès de Jacqueline et que nous vous transmettons nos condoléances les plus sincères.
Monday December 11, 2017
Condolence From: Gerry and Trudy Veaudry
Condolence: Sending our sincere condolences along with our friends Phil & Evelyn Doucette of Petawawa; Maylon, Betty Mae, Andrew and Kenzie Bryanton of Pembroke; Ben, Heather and Matthew Dick of Cobden; Cecil and Margo Kargus of Renfrew; Allan and Margaret Lahti of Pembroke; and Brandon Hyslop of Petawawa.
Sunday December 10, 2017
Condolence From: Jim & Tammy Pilon
Condolence: Val, sorry to hear about your mom passing. She was a great lady. Please accept our sincere sympathies for your loss.
Saturday December 09, 2017
Condolence From: Micheline et Claude Monfils
Condolence: Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères condoléances! Nos prières et nos pensées sont avec vous !
Saturday December 09, 2017
Condolence From: Warden Nancy
Condolence: Dear Valerie I am so sorry to read of the passing of your Mother. Please know that you are being sincerely thought of at this sad time.
Friday December 08, 2017